One of the most common strategies to support lone worker safety protocols is the use of timed check-ins. Workers operating by themselves or in dangerous environments check-in at specified intervals, and whenever a timed check-in is missed, GSatTrack initiates the protocol set up by the portal administrator.
In another article, Justin Sowell explained the value of GSatTrack's Lone Worker support suite within the context of the oil and gas industry, and that singular example can be replicated across dozens of industries where lone workers regularly find themselves alone in remote areas, or alone in dangerous working conditions. In fact, GSatTrack actively serves clients in the utility, forestry, mining, oil, gas, shipping, trucking, and infrastructure sectors, all of whom make use of the life-saving power of timed check-ins.
Focus on Individuals
A Solution for Trevor
Trevor is a farm manager for a mid-sized regional agricultural firm that operates dozens of farms across central California. Many of the farms he oversees are nearly one hour from the major highway corridors, in places where cellular service is sparse. As part of his daily inspections, Trevor is responsible for keeping his non-seasonal workers safe as they carry out their daily work.
Trevor's Problem
About three years ago, Trevor's company had to make a change to its safety management process when one of Trevor's employees suffered a heatstroke on the job. Fortunately, that farm was Trevor's next stop on his inspection rounds, and he was able to rush his employee to the hospital in time to save his life.
Upon realizing they won't always be so lucky, Trevor's company decided to invest in Lone Worker safety by outfitting each person who works alone with satellite communication devices. Because the other option would be to only deploy workers in pairs, handheld devices were the more cost-effective solution. Trevor appreciated the swift action, but felt the devices alone could only help in situations when his employees could actually request help. If someone were to lose consciousness again, or have an equipment-related accident that incapacitated them, that helpful tool could become useless.
Timed Check-ins
Timed Check-ins are a special feature within GSatTrack that allow personnel managers to set up a system that requires lone workers to manually send a Check-in message at given times throughout the day. When the portal doesn't receive an expected Check-in message on time, Alerts trigger and notify people based on protocols set by the user.
Using Timed Check-ins
Trevor's Missing Piece
Timed Check-ins provided the way to close the safety gap in Trevor's company, and allowed him to establish a dependable and intuitive safety measure for his employees in a cost-effective way. Trevor set up his Check-in system to Alert both he and a member of his office staff in order to guarantee that someone would always be available to act on missed Check-ins. Trevor's case is one of many that exemplify the importance of choosing the right software. The best hardware you can buy is only part of a solution that includes software like GSatTrack to make advanced, life-saving solutions possible.
More about GSatTrack
GSatTrack is an industry-best device-agnostic telematics visualization platform that offers a suite of tools that help people Monitor, Manage, and Maximize their tracked Assets from anywhere in the world. GSatTrack features real-time data feeds, map interfaces with live and history modes, complex reporting, and advanced interactive tools. Trusted by high-profile public and private sector clients alike, GSatTrack is also the default choice of most major Satellite networks, having been certified for use by Globalstar, Inmarsat, and Iridium.
People are always available to enthusiastically tell stories about GSE's products, and to answer any questions you may have about them. Please get in touch with us today to learn more about the ways in which GSE can help you develop the solution that works best for you.
About the Author
Scott Walters
Global Account Manager
Scott Walters is a business professional with over 25 years of technology based experience and has demonstrated success as a manager and team leader with an emphasis on account management, logistics, team building and multitasking effectively within a high-stress, goal oriented environment.
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