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GSE's product team has been identifying the opportunities to create and deliver 'impossible' and innovative solutions to the satellite industry since GSE was born in 2004.
Building on the success of the GSatRancher, GSE is expanding its GSatSolar Series with exclusive animal tracking packages for as little as $5/month. Since launching the GSatRancher for cattle tracking in April of 2021, the GSatSolar Series has been tested in a number of animal and IoT markets, and the success in conservation has changed the conservation and research game entirely.
GSE has worked with partners around the world, including a number of anti-poaching and conservation specialists. We’re excited to be able to offer a reliable and remote-deployable product that fits into research budgets. Below are just a few of the cases we have assisted in the past year alone.
South Africa based Wintec Solutions deployed a number of GSatSolar units, working with various conservation groups, on a wide range of animals across the continent. Through this partnership, GSatSolar units have been employed to track everything from Water Buffalo to Giraffes, Rhinoceros, and Zebras.
In a matter of months, this partnership has also uncovered opportunities to improve the mounting options available to GSatSolar units, which have been designed and developed, and are currently in field testing. Modular mounting was a key differentiating factor for the GSatSolar Series, making it an adaptable terminal capable of supporting dozens of industries and applications.
GSE has also seen its GSatSolar tags on smaller fauna, like the ever popular Koala. Though designed for cattle and small IoT assets primarily, the size, weight, and mounting options available make it a truly versatile option for anyone tracking animals large enough to carry it.
GSE is limit-testing the animals that can use a GSatSolar unit, and the expectation is that there may be opportunities for all non-burrowing ground animals above 1 foot in length, and potentially for some larger birds, including some endangered species like Condors.
GSatSolar units can be purchased through both the official website and through our partner in Africa, and those units can be configured with an animal tracking bundle by your account manager. Please note that there are some exceptions to which animals can be tracked with this exclusive pricing, and your account manager will have details about whether or not the animals you wish to track will qualify.