Sensorlink Product Suite
SENSORLINK PRODUCT SUITE (SENSOR AND DATA MONITORING GATEWAY) The SensorLink product suite is a flexible, Iridium-based sensor and data monitoring gateway that enables monitoring of a bank of nearly any industrial analog or digital sensor anywhere in the world. SensorLink is designed to have the ultimate in sensor flexibility, accommodating powered and unpowered analog and digital sensors as well as RS485. It provides up to 10W sensor power with regulated sensor voltage from 0-33V for each sensor input. The inputs are separately configurable in software for each sensor, with no custom pro...Read More

Duplex Comms with GPS + Sensor Gateway The AssetPack (AP) global tracker is a highly versatile, low cost of ownership two-way asset tracking and sensor monitoring solution, designed for frequent two-way communication with unpowered assets. It is available in satellite, cellular, or hybrid options. Using the Iridium satellite network, the AP is a completely enclosed, self-contained, waterproof, dustproof, fully-ruggedized solution that enables pinpoint monitoring of any fixed or mobile asset anywhere on the ground, at sea, or in the air. Powered by solar or hard line power, the battery lasts...Read More