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The NAL 9602-A is a small, low-cost satellite tracker designed for use with the Iridium satellite constellation. It is a self-contained unit containing an advanced 50 channel GPS receiver, an Iridium 9602 satellite transceiver and micro-controller board, with internal Iridium and GPS antennas.

The 9602-A can send either a standard or 256-bit AES encrypted GPS report at a pre-programmed interval ranging from once every ten seconds to once every seven days. The interval can be changed remotely while the unit is in the field.

The 9602-A has a guarded Emergency switch to alert the recipient of an emergency situation, and five LEDs to indicate the status of power, GPS fix, Iridium connection, SBD transmission and emergency mode.

NOTE: This device is supported by GSatTrack, but NOT SOLD by GSE. Please see the manufacturer for purchasing options.
No Battery
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