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Case Study 

GSatTrack Supports Man Down Features for Lone Workers

These case studies often begin with statistical data that shows a clearly defined pain point in a certain industry GSE has helped in the past. In the case of lone worker and man-down instances, however, the need to show numbers or percentages to convince anyone that a triggered SOS button is important seems disingenuous. We understand every life is important and that immediate actions need to be taken when an SOS button is triggered, but what can be done when a lone worker, pilot, reporter, or soldier can’t reach the SOS button on a tracking device? The following case study will explain the features we have in place to overcome these situations.

About GSatTrack

GSatTrack is a web-based, integrated satellite and GSM tracking solution, compatible with modern web browsers and works on a multilingual platform that brings together all the positions of every manufactured product under one location and displays and manages them in a single unified interface. With GSatTrack, asset locations and movements - including position, speed, altitude and heading - are tracked in real-time worldwide via GPS updates.

By using GPS satellites with the latest hardware and technology, any asset on earth, whether it's people, vehicles, containers, or any moving object can now be tracked. Our technology allows the integration of all types of tracking equipment into one easy to use platform. The tracking equipment determines its location by triangulating a position using GPS (Global Positioning System) and then transmits this information via GSM, Satellite, or VHF to a central server for processing. Any operator can view and control any number of real time assets simultaneously.

The Customer Situation

When clients are faced with choices about how to best protect lone workers and individuals operating alone and in dangerous environments, the first question will inevitably be, “what hardware should I use and which network will guarantee safety?” While these are important questions, the greater question becomes, “how powerful is the solution am I using to monitor these persons and will it be comprehensive enough to allow behaviors to indicate emergency events when the people being watched cannot?”

To determine if the right solution is being used, the client will have to evaluate the following questions.

  • Will the tracking software chosen be powerful enough to allow the tracking of assets regardless of hardware choice made or network the unit operates on?
  • Will the solution chosen have the ability to create custom alerts to monitor when a person being tracked reaches certain locations?
  • Will there be movement alerts to verify persons are still operating safely?
  • What measures have been taken to notify someone watching a person in the field that an emergency has occurred even where SOS button can’t be reached or triggered?

Finally if there are questions as to whether an emergency event has taken place will the client be able to remotely request positions from a device being monitored.

The Challenge

Whether it’s a hiker falling off a cliff or a lone worker becoming victim to wildlife, sometimes the SOS button on a handheld tracking unit cannot be pressed. The challenge is finding a solution that alerts emergency services when this occurs and appropriately diagnosing a response as soon as possible.

The Solution

Every tracking device that is added to GSatTrack for monitoring is done so taking into account all the information generated from the tracking unit. This means if a device has an accelerometer which recognizes movement alerts can be created around the movement behavior of the device. This same approach is also taken with devices that monitor sensor data like battery status. The end result is several key alerts and functions that help ensure even if an SOS button can’t be pressed others can still be aware of an emergency. Below are some of the ways that GSatTrack accomplishes this.

  • Heartbeat Alert - This alert is triggered when an asset has not made contact with the portal for the specified duration. - If a person being monitored moves to a location where satellite connection cannot be made such as a crevice or a location like a fallen structure for too a heartbeat alert will notify their designated contacts that their device is no longer reporting.
  • Stationary Dwell Alert - This alert is triggered when an asset has reported stationary positions for the specified period of time within the same location. - If a lone worker is unable to reach his device or is knocked unconscious and left unable to move this alert can be used to create behaviors which establish that the monitored person needs assistance.
  • Geofence intelligence - GSatTrack uses dynamic geofences that allow users to create alerts that are specific to a certain area. This allows users to then associate any of the standard alerts to only apply when an asset is in or out of an area interest. Using this intelligence lone workers can have rules like the heartbeat alert set to a potential area they are visiting that might have risk of a potential emergency.

The Result

GSatTrack was developed with the purpose of providing solutions to meet clients needs without limiting itself to anyone piece of hardware. Instead GSatTrack is a solution in of itself which takes the best aspects of current hardware and uses it to achieve the goals of clients. Whether its saving lives because it makes use of motion sensors already outfitted in a device or reads battery levels to notify someone of the status of unit all these things take the question of how do you understand the behavior of someone in an emergency situation that can’t press an SOS button and make it so people can react to them. GSatTrack makes use of technology that often isn’t even explored by a device manufacturer but in the end what's discovered for the user is an almost limitless means to understand and build solutions for their individual needs.

About the Author
Scott Walters
Global Account Manager

Scott Walters is a business professional with over 25 years of technology based experience and has demonstrated success as a manager and team leader with an emphasis on account management, logistics, team building and multitasking effectively within a high-stress, goal oriented environment.

Contact Scott Walters at

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