GSatTrack How to Series: Delete an Asset
Deleting Assets from the portal is not recommended, as there will be no way to get the deleted entity's position history back, but in the event you need to do so, Scott's here to show you the moves to make that happen.
GSatTrack How to Series: Logs
Logs are a great way to get data from individual assets without having to run a report. Scott walks us through the Log options available directly in the Live and History views.
Feature Highlight: GSatTrack - Journeys
New Feature Live in GSatTrack!
We are incredibly excited to announce the release of a new feature for GSatTrack, which many of you may have already seen in the live version. Journeys, further broken into Trips, are collections of segments of asset reporting history. This is a feature set that we have been planning internally for nearly two years, and a recent partnership has made the need for it a reality.
About Journeys and Trips
Journeys give...
Construction Companies use GSatTrack for BIM
Most GIS systems incorporate mapping imagery or layers is by purchasing licenses from a single mapping provider. This provider may also offer additional historical satellite imagery for use by the GIS provider, but the images provided may be antiquated or out of date, with recent construction or natural events which change the natural landscape and topography of an area omitted. To address this, clients often opt to use their own imagery in...
GSatTrack How to Series: Accessing the UI
Scott walks us through the basics of the GSatTrack User Interface.
GSatTrack How to Series: Live Mode
Scott shows us the basic interface for the Live Mode in GSatTrack.
GSatTrack How to Series: Map Tiles
Scott takes a minute to explain the different map view options from the map control panel.
GSatTrack How to Series: Map Layers
In this mega-episode (almost 5 minutes of action!) of the GSatTrack How to Series, Scott breaks down the use of the map layers available to the portal users, as well as the ways in which users can customize their layers to include specialized data, information, and visuals.
GSatTrack How to Series: Upload File
Scott demonstrates the way GSatTrack can ingest custom KML, Geofences, and Places by parsing an upload file.
GSatTrack How to Series: Get Route
Scott runs through the process of mapping an asset from its current location to any place on the map, including destinations between.