OGSS: Leveraging APIs
Oil and Gas Solutions Series
This article is part of a series on satellite-based solutions that are intended to help oil and gas companies improve their bottom line by highlighting opportunities to leverage data in an effort to improve efficiency and operational safety. To view other OGSS articles, please see the links in the "Looking Ahead" section of the introductory article.
Real World Scenarios
I worked as a Fluid Pump Operator a few years...
GSatTrack How to Series: Change Password
For one reason or another, we constantly find ourselves in need of a new password. GSatTrack has an easy way to change passwords, as Scott shows us in this episode of the GSatTrack How to Series.
GSatTrack How to Series: Heading
Heading can be a critically important piece of information when analyzing an asset's location and movement. Looking at history, it's much easier to see where an asset has been and where it is going, but with a single data point, users can also see the arrow that indicates the direction the device was facing when it reported that position.
GSatTrack How to Series: Lone Worker Heartbeat Alerts and Stationary Dwell Alerts
Scott walks us through the Heartbeat Alert and Stationary Dwell Alert, which is a critically important component of a truly comprehensive Lone Worker Safety package.
OGSS: Fleet Management
Oil and Gas Solutions Series
This article is part of a series on satellite-based solutions that are intended to help oil and gas companies improve their bottom line by highlighting opportunities to leverage data in an effort to improve efficiency and operational safety. To view other OGSS articles, please see the links in the "Looking Ahead" section of the introductory article.
Real World Scenarios
A few years ago, I was working at a remote...
GSatTrack Celebrates 10 Years!
Happy Birthday GSatTrack!
GSatTrack passed a beautiful milestone this week, turning 10 years old on Monday. We're very excited to look back at how far the product has come since 2011, and we're inviting you on this journey through time with us.
Looking Back: Early GSatTrack
The first versions of GSatTrack were incredibly map-focused, as is the standard for most tracking solutions still. At the time, having a map interface with plotted position...
GSatTrack How to Series: Dwell Alerts - Stationary and Geofence
Scott takes us through the differences in the two Dwell Alerts available in GSatTrack, which let you know when an Asset has been stationary in a particular location for a specified time.
GSatTrack How to Series: Messages
Scott explains the difference between the two different types of messages sent between devices and GSatTrack.
GSatTrack How to Series: Activity Log
Scott shows us the Activity Log, which is a cumulative list of notifications of all event types for a given Asset or Group during the active session's date range of data.
OGSS: Lone Worker Safety
Oil and Gas Solutions Series
This article is part of a series on satellite-based solutions that are intended to help oil and gas companies improve their bottom line by highlighting opportunities to leverage data in an effort to improve efficiency and operational safety. To view other OGSS articles, please see the links in the "Looking Ahead" section of the introductory article.
Real World Scenarios with High Stakes
I have a former colleague who...